Patient Log Book: Medical Marijuana Journal
Author: ThatsLife Publications
Pages: 150
Language: English
Book URL: Buy

Are you a first-time cannabis patient? Are you finding it hard to keep track of all the different products and strains? This handy log book and health / wellness tracker combination will help you fine-tune your experience making it easy to evaluate your marijuana therapy with your physician or patient advocate.  Since personal and environmental factors can play a role in your cannabis experience, tracking this information can help determine the optimal treatment for you.



6 x 9, 150 page paperback journal &  tracker
-  Cannabis Info Tracker: Dispensary, Quantity Purchased, Price, Strain Name / Brand / Form / CBD-THC Content
-  30-day Self-Administration Tracker:  Time, Setting Notes, Response, Likes / Dislikes, Mood – Before and After
-  Lined Journal Pages
-  Sleep Tracker
-  Water Intake Tracker
-  Exercise Tracker
-  Food Tracker